I am a Registered Nurse, parent of three beautiful daughters. I was raised in Colorado and relocated to Hawaii in 1991. Here is my new avenue to express myself under the freedom of speech liberties, to process my thoughts, life events, share some sorrow, laughter and exchange ideas with my fellow nursing colleges. Change is a constant part of life that I welcome. I feel its NOT instability BUT a thirst for more; to grow,learn and explore! Please read the disclosure.

Back home in Colorado


  • The great HIPAA Goddess is respected here. All names have been changed in this blog to protect the guilty. Circumstances have been altered and some are downright fabrications.
  • Do not try any of these things at home. Do not constitute anything said here as "medical advise". Do not ask for any medical advise.

The opinions expressed are strictly the opinions of Isle_RN. If you don't like her opinions then make up some of your own

Friday, October 17, 2008

Going it alone tonight

At 430 pm this afternoon I found out I was going to be alone for the night shift in the ER. UUGGGGHHH! Talk about stress and being pissed off. Does the supervisor NOT look at the schedule daily and staff appropriately or what? This is the second time I had to go at it alone. Know I know we are a small ER, but it still doesn't mean I can't get the BIG ONE coming in or an assaultive creep come in. Besides, how do u run a code with one RN and one Doc? I took several deep breathes in the parking lot before venturing in and all was well until 2130. Then three patients all came in just about the same time. just as I try to start an IV the doorbell buzzes and I have to stop. Yup no one around to open the door. the telephone rings 2 maybe 3 different times, all of which I was with my patients, pushing drugs, hanging fluids, starting lines, mixing drugs.....what? Do they expect me to run and answer the phone too? Sorry, no can do! I try to keep my head together, be safe, prioritize and be cheery in the eyes of the patients. Even the patients cant believe I'm here alone, but they tell I am doing a good job and that I'm very nice and helpful. That helps my mood a bit, but when its all said and done, when I finally get the last one out the door about 0200 a.m. my back is sore, my feet are pounding, not to mention my head. I thank my guardian angels for keeping me safe once again and for allowing me to be the best nurse I can be under the circumstances. Now, I just keep finding myself glancing over at the security monitor with anticipation of what comes creeping up next.

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New Grad and rusty RN's: Have you had adequate orientation or internship prior to being set free on the floor?